Bun is up to 20x slower than NodeJS in logic operations

Bun is up to 20x slower than NodeJS in logic operations


NodeJS vs Bun: typia.is() function benchmark

typia is a transformer library supporting superfast runtime validation, and JSON serialization function boosting up performance by AoT (Ahead of Time) optimization skill. For example, its validation speed is 20,000x faster than class-validator, and JSON serialization is 20x faster than class-transformer.

By the way, after the Bun has come to JS world, there had been many reports that typia is not fast in the Bun runtime. There even had been a report that typia's JSON serialization is slower than the native JSON.stringify() function in the Bun environment.

However, as I was busy in due to supporting the A.I. chatbot development feature, I could not respond to such Bun performance issues for a long time. Since all of typia's functions are working properly in Bun, I thought that I could put aside performance issues as a priority, but six months passed by in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, I could finish the A.I. chatbot feature development in recent, so that I could develop the Bun performance benchmark program at now. And as Bun has always emphasized its lightweight and fast performance, the extreme slowness in typia validation and JSON serialization logics surprised me a lot.

Oh my god, Bun is maximum 20x slower than NodeJS in the typia.is<T>() function.

typia.is<T>() function benchmark

// TypeScript Source Code
import typia from "typia";

typia.is<string>("Hello World");

// Compiled JavaScript Code
(() => {
  return (input) => "string" === typeof input;
})()("Hello World");

typia.is<T>() is a transformer function that generating type checking code whether the parameteric input value is following the type T or not. If the input value is following the type T, it returns true. Otherwise input is different with the type T, it returns false.

Because typia.is<T>() generates dedicated type checking code only for the type T, its validation speed is stable and faster than any other libraries. Such compilation level dedicated optimization skill is called AoT (Ahead of Time) compilation. When AoT compilation stategy is used, NodeJS v8 engine performs hidden class optimization for maximize the performance.

is() function benchmark on NodeJS

typia.is<T>() function benchmark on NodeJS

It is the secret of the typia's superfast validation speed. In the NodeJS environment, typia's validation speed (in NodeJS) is maxmum 20,000x faster than class-validator which does not have any optimization strategy. Besides, typebox performs the JIT (Just in Time) compilation strategy, and as it can take advantage of the v8 engine's hidden class optimization, it can compete speed with typia.

However, in the Bun, such AoT (Ahead of Time) or JIT (Just in Time) compilation strategy seems not working at all. I guess that Bun does not perform hidden class optimization skill, or there is a critical problem on the Bun's hidden class optimization like algorithm, and it is the reason why Bun is maximum 20x slower than NodeJS in the typia.is<T>() function.

Reference: typia's hidden optimization of v8 engine

NodeJS vs Bun: typia.is() function benchmark

typia.json.stringify<T>() function benchmark

// TypeScript Source Code
import typia from "typia";

interface Member {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  email: "John Doe",
  age: 24,

// Compiler JavaScript Code
import * as __typia_transform__jsonStringifyString from "typia/lib/internal/_jsonStringifyString.js";
(() => {
  const _so0 = (input) =>
  return (input) => _so0(input);
  email: "John Doe",
  age: 24,

typia.json.stringify<T>() is a transformer function that is similar with JSON.stringify() function, but working only for the type T. As the typia.json.stringify<T>() function aims only for the type T with the AoT (Ahead of Time) compilation skill, its JSON serialization is faster than the native JSON.stringify() function.

Because of the AoT compilation of typia and NodeJS v8 engine's hidden class optimization skills, typia.json.stringify<T>() is maximum 20x faster than class-transformer in the NodeJS environment, and maximum 16x faster than the native JSON.stringify() function.

 function benchmark in NodeJS

typia.json.stringify<T>() function benchmark in NodeJS

However, in the Bun environment, typia.json.stringify<T>() function's JSON serialization speed becomes slower, even sometimes worse than the native JSON.stringify() function. This is the reason why I suspect that AoT compilation skill doesn't work at all on the Bun environment.

If the AoT compilation and v8 hidden class optimization skill worked, typia.json.stringify<T>() function cannot be slower than the native JSON.stringify() function in the theoretical level. How dedicated code only for the type T can be slower than the general JSON.stringify() function accessing to the properties dynamically?

I think that Bun does not perform hidden class optimization skill, or there is a critical problem on the Bun's hidden class optimization like algorithm.

 function benchmark in Bun

typia.json.stringify<T>() function benchmark in Bun

Skyblue is JSON.stringify() function, and it can be faster than AoT compiled logic in the Bun

Benchmark on Linux

Some may suspect that Bun is based on the Safari browser engine made by Apple, so it is poorly optimized for Windows, but shows normal performance on other operating systems such as Linux.

So I benchmarked it on Linux, but the results were the same. Bun is still much slower than NodeJS in the logic operations.